vendredi 6 mars 2015

Penola 1ere Partie ( Renovation de Harry)

Et voila direction Penola, dans le Coonawara mais avant on donne un p'tit coup de propre a Harry,

C'est la 1ere fois qu'on utilise ce type de ''machine''  pour nettoyer, c'est pas du tout comme en France 1$:2,30min. Et on a le choix entre une vingtaine d'options., nous on prend le basique, liquide de nettoyage, brosse et rinçage.

Il va être tout propre le cheri

En route il fait une chaleur a crever. Nico se met sa petite serviette perso pour se proteger

C'est fait on a eu le rendez vous avec Chris, apres avoir attendu qu'il aille tondre je sais pas quoi, on l'a retrouve avec 2 autres personnes qui cherchaient du boulot comme nous : Annika et Christophe, 2 amis Allemands qui voyagent ensemble.
A premiere vue, Chris est un peu special, 1ere chose qu'il ait dit a Annika et Christophe : ''Ne me demandez pas ce que je fais cuire dans mon gros four a pain'' ( qui se trouvait dans le jardin juste a cote de l'endroit ou on s'est assis), j'ai mis un moment avant de me rendre compte de quoi il parlait. J'ai d'abord pense naïvement '' Ben pourquoi il nous dit pas cela a nous aussi j'aimerai bien savoir ce qu'il cuisine moi dans son four''. Mais non !

Bref il y a quelques regles TRES importantes a respecter si on travaille pour Chris.
1ere : NO SMOKING ! les fumeurs (drogueurs pour lui) sont des cons a force de s'enfumer le cerveau, et puis surtout je pense car il n' a pas d'assurance donc si on fout le feu avec un mégot c'est de sa poche et cela doit bruler assez vite dans le coin.
2eme : NO TALKING! parsque quand on parle on devient lent et on ralentis ceux avec qui on travaille, de plus comme on doit crier ''BUCKET PLEASE'' quand notre seau est plein il faut que les buckets mans puissent entendre et si tout le monde parle c'est pas possible.
3eme : STAY ALIVE! la maison et boutique de Chris ou on se reunira tous les matins est au bord de la grosse route qui traverse le village et les AUSSIES roulent comme des cingles, et avec toutes les voitures qui suivront celle de Chris cela fait un long convoi donc quand on traverse on regarde bien   ( je pense que quelqu'un qui travaillait pour Chris a du avoir un accident comme cela)

Et voila apres avoir acheté un sécateur (15$) et une paire de gants (5$) au bureau de Chris et remplie les papiers on est aller au seul camping du village.
Assez déçut, il n'y a pas de cuisine commune, et 1 seul frigo/congel pour tout le camping, si on est 60 a dormir la ....

On a installe la tente pour que Nico dorme dedans comme cela j'ai le lit dans le van pour moi toute seule et lui est tranquille dans sa tente ( il en a marre que je me colle a lui dans la nuit!), mais bon on a pas de truc pour gonfler le matelas, alors il essaye de le gonfler seul mais au bout de 10 min il s'aperçoit bien que cela va pas marcher !

Apres 1 semaine de boulot, on a bien vu qu'il n'y a que des français !
Les gens qui travaillent pour Chris se retrouvent en 3 categories : Français, Asiatiques et 3 allemands.
C'est super bien car contrairement aux vignes en France, celles la sont a hauteur d'homme donc pas besoin de se baisser et de se casser le dos !

Like we started in the same time than Annika and Christophe ( Chris) we get closer quickly and we were in the group with only the new people and were with Henry ( Chris second) it was really cool and relax, we could talk, but he told us that it wouldn't be the same in Chris's group.

The 1rst week we cleaned the grappes, cut the small grappes ( football ones), the green ones...
Like it was the chandler not so long ago, I made some crepes and Annika and Chris came to eat some with us at the camping ( they 're not staying in it, they do bush camp outside the town, but they travelling in a car which is more discreet than a big van.

Smelling the nice crepes, Melanie a girl who work for Chris too came and had some with us ( Nico wasn't really nice, you know how he is if you take is food from ''his plate''.
She's really nice and funny, I think she likes food as much as I do.
She's from bretagny and said she'll make a kouign aman ! 
Well Mel I'm still waiting !!

He doesn't look like it but Chris eat so MUCH!!! More than Guillaume when he was a teenager, and I can tell you that my brother ate a lot ( and was always thin!) well for Chris he can eat a double portion and just wait 5 minutes and eat another portion 1 And he so THIN !!!

Here's Romain, a french guy who's travelling with 2 others french guy, they're going to leave in a week, Nicolas like him he's funny and very nice ( and he's doing sport every day : jumping roop, pompes and everything !!)

                                                                     the Crepe team

                            Une ''petite'' coquine qui c'etait mise dans les toilettes un soir

Charles ( courageux) qui met sa main pour montrer la taille de la ''bete'' ! 
Mais bon il semblerait que c'est une gentille et qu'elle rentre juste dans les habitations.
Charles et Thuy Ha sont arrives 1 jour apres nous, 2 Français ( non vraiment ??) et se sont installes a cote de nous au camping, et de l'autre cote de notre voiture, il y avait 4 gars Français qui n'étaient pas tres discret quand ils sont arrives et ont commence a raconter leurs histoires de fesses assez forts. Donc on a fait connaissance comme cela et Charles a monte sa super '' tente'' ou paravent qu'il a acheté pour mettre a l'arrière de leur van et comme cela ils peuvent manger a l'abri du vent entre leur coffre et le paravent. Thuy Ha dit qu'il ne va plus s'en servir apres cette fois, on va bien voir...

For the weekend Annika and Chris took us to Millicent where there's a ''pool-lake''. In this beautiful day it was an excellent idea. the water wasn't cold and even if there was quit a lot of people it wasn't that small that you didn't notice the others.

With Annika after playing with the boys at volleyball, we noticed with her that we were playing much better alone without the guys !!

Nice isn't it ?! Even with sand and you go slowly in the water and in the middle you can go on a platform to jump. And you fell safer cause there's no shark or fish !!

                                        Lots of people come with children's and picnic

                                               OOOHHH who is this mermaid ?? hunhunhun

Romain and his friend came too and on the way back there car broke down ( it wasn't the first time)
And even with Chris repairs ( he LOVES MECHANIC) we had to tied a roop on the back of Chris's car to the front of the guy's car and we left to Penola.

On the way a fucking Wallaby cross the road form the other side but just when we arrived near him he went on our side of the road and we had to stop the car carefully because behind us they couldn't stop or start.

On Sunday morning when everyone is asleep, Nico and Charles make a round in the camping

 Annika and Chris invited us at penola lake free camp ( there's no lake anymore just a hole where sheeps eat in the morning) to eat spaztle homemade !

While Annika's making the dought, Chris is preparing the vegetables ( cucumber,tomatoes,oignons)

She doesn't have what we have at home with lots of holes so she does that like that, cuting bites by bites

                                                         They do that very seriously !

And after each time that she take off the spaztle from the water she's putting cheese in it like that it's melting in the same time.

                                                   Now it's time to cook some oignons

                                         Nicolas who's trying to show that he's doing something

                                                             Everyone's ready to eat !!

                                                                  Look's really nice

Annika and Chris leaving tomorrow but before that they're going to help us rebuild our bed and kitchen in the van because it's squeeking a bit when we move

                                           Lucky us, Chris and Annika love to build stuff.

                                         First we take off the kitchen board and everything

While the guys are doing that, Chris ( the boss) gave us some work to do because we do that in his property behind his garage

We have to clean a bit the bucket, juste put some water to take off the leaves and other stuff in it

                                            After that Annika cleans her shoes, normal lol

                                                  It's look empty without everything in it

Yesterday we went to Naracoorte to buy some screws and wood and we were lucky, the guy gave us some for free because there was no taxes or something else.

                                                   Chris's working, Nicolas's watching

A red back came to say hello, who say's there was none in South Australia ? It's the second one I see

                Chris n'écoutant que son courage la prend avec un baton et la met plus loin

                                           We too girls are working, what do you think !

                                        Well actually Annika's working, I'm just helping her

                                            We're going to have a strong good bed les amis !

                                             Annika's preparing one of the kitchen's closet

                                                                 Looking good !

                            Annika and Chris in a battle to put the screw the faster possible

Except that Annika's has a hand screwdriver and Chris an electric one, but he was a gentleman and let her win

                    Nicolas's helping Chris by standing on the board while Chris is cutting it

                                                       Hey look nice my little new bed !

                                                Charles came to have a look and help

                                                            Now it's kitchen time

                                             And what's Annika doing during this time ?

                                                                Well she's cleaning !!

It took a all day to build the bed and the kitchen after that we were all happy it was finish, thanks a lot guys !

Nicolas having a hair cut by one of the Japanese who's working with us ( don't worry he went toa hair school)

                                           With the Japanese in their caravan at the camping

     Full weekend, tomorrow it's back to work! YEAH !! Annika and Chris are leaving but hopefully we'll see them again, they're going in the same direction than us. It's always fresh and amazing to meet some people like them ! THank you guys and see you around AUSSIE.

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